Strong Opinions Loosely Held
It's Time To Unpack White Fragility

Dr. Robin DiAngelo has heard every excuse in the book from white people on why they aren't racist. It's time to unpack her concept of "White Fragility".

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White people can't all be racist... right?
After spending 20 years running diversity trainings for big companies, Dr. Robin DiAngelo has heard every excuse in the book from white people on why they weren’t racist. They had a black friend at work. They were color blind. They did Teach for America!
In her new book, White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism Dr. DiAngelo shows us why racism isn't just something practiced by violent, mean individuals, and how it's completely possible to perpetuate racism by just being, well, nice.

"Go smile at your coworkers of color. Go to lunch on occasion. Don’t do anything else, and you will play your part because niceness is not anti-racism. It takes strategic, intentional action. Smiling, being friendly, having a friend- those things don’t end racism."

Dr. Robin DiAngelo
If we can't acknowledge our racist conditioning, it's going to be really hard to talk about racism in a meaningful way. And talking about it is the first step to dismantling it. For more important conversations, make sure to follow Strong Opinions Loosely Held, here!
Why Are White People So Bad At Talking About Race?Released on November 15, 2018