Try Living with Lucie
Why Living With Intention Is The Key To A Fulfilling 2019

Resolutions are a year-round commitment.

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The start of the new year has come and gone, and in the process of slipping back into your down coat and your daily routine, chances are you've left all of those shiny, new resolutions back in December.
We get it. Sticking with your resolutions takes perseverance — much like that single spin class you vowed to attend. But actually staying committed to the goals we line up for ourselves is a crucial lesson in the importance of living intentionally — and those plans you dreamed up at the end of last year are the perfect starting point, even if it takes you a few weeks to get there.
That's why, for this installment of Try Living With Lucie, R29's Lucie Fink took a little refuge from New York and flew to Japan, where she found just what she needed to remind herself that actualizing your plans requires both time and purpose. Watch above as she spends five days carrying out five of her own goals for the new year by challenging herself to let loose at a Taiko drumming class, relaxing in a bamboo forest, and practicing mindfulness over a cup of authentic Japanese Green Tea at a traditional tea ceremony.
In the grand scheme of your year, your resolutions are just one tiny step towards the act of living your life with more intention, whatever shape that takes.
Try Living With Lucie, Sticking To Your ResolutionsReleased on January 30, 2019