All The Giftable Pajamas That Double Nicely As WFH Attire

Gone are the days of having to choose between dowdy sleepwear or sultry lingerie that you wouldn't dare be caught donning beyond the sheets. Now, in the heyday of loungewear, almost every major brand sells pajamas that are stylishly suitable enough to pass as everyday WFH wear — and, serve as A+ holiday-gifting material.
We flipped through virtual pages on pages of PJ options to find the prettiest pairs worth gifting. From classic flannel to dreamy silk sets, there's a pair of very presentable sleepwear out there just waiting to be wrapped up and tucked under a tree (or mailed to a December doorstep). Click on to shop the pajama styles cozy enough for mornings in bed and chic enough for afternoon Zoom calls.
At Refinery29, we’re here to help you navigate this overwhelming world of stuff. All of our market picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team. All product details reflect the price and availability at the time of publication. If you buy something we link to on our site, Refinery29 may earn commission.

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