We The Voters
Millennial Voters Should Know This

The team from FiveThirtyEight explore the characteristics of a good poll.

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When we need partners in the intricate political “poll dance,” we turn to FiveThirtyEight’s bantering statistics wizards, Clare Malone and Harry Enten. In an election season inundated by fluctuating, and occasionally contradictory, poll numbers, Enten and Malone keep their prediction models grounded with the discerning mantra, “Not all polls are created equally.” While trading acerbic stats-based witticisms, the FiveThirtyEight team walks us through the underlying biases that can skew poll results, like the leading ways questions can be ordered, the limited sample sizes surveyed, and even the motivations of the organization conducting (and paying for) the study in the first place. If polling represents an imperfect, though still useful, method for reading voter moods, Enten and Malone aren’t worried — the ultimate poll, they underscore, is always the election itself. Speaking of November, don’t forget to register to vote and make sure your voice is heard.

This video is part of We the Voters, a social impact campaign incorporating high-profile celebrities, real political players, and dynamic story lines into a series of groundbreaking short films and apps. We the Voters will demystify how the government and elections work, inspiring millions of young Americans to seize the power of their votes in the 2016 elections. Interconnecting 21 viral films and a variety of ancillary digital extensions across multiple platforms, We the Voters presents democracy and elections in a new, accessible format. As entertaining as it is informative, We the Voters promotes a clear call to action, encouraging young voters to make informed choices. It will be the ultimate resource for understanding what is at stake in this election — and in those to come.
Election Polls Voter Guide Harry Enten Clare MaloneReleased on September 14, 2016

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