If there was ever an acceptable time to say "Holy goop!" well, that time is now. Last week, we heard about Gwyneth Paltrow's plans to pack up and move her company from London to L.A. But, thanks to Paltrow's Instagram post this afternoon, we've learned that L.A.'s about to get goop'd in more ways than one. Yes, we're talking about a goop pop-up shop in Brentwood, California.
Here's what we know: From the look of the Instagram photo, it's safe to assume the location of the shop is indeed The Brentwood Country Mart (which means Paltrow's neighbors will include the chic likes of Jenni Kayne and Pressed Juicery). We also know, thanks to the sign on the dusty, familiar barn door, that the pop-up will be open from May 5 to 11 — meaning there's still time to book a flight and pack your bags, non-West Coasters.
As for what will line the shelves? We can't say for sure, but here are a few possibilities and/or wishes: a to-go rotisserie counter featuring Gwyneth's It's All Good "Super-Crispy Roast Chicken" already prepared (for those of us who tried the recipe and, well, failed). We're also expecting a goop-y sunscreen station, where customers are treated to a good SPF touch-up to keep their skin young and healthy. And, maybe, just maybe, Tracy Anderson will have a little station in the back where you can sign up for a 15-minute introduction to the method. Any other ideas? Share below.