How are you feeling after that enlightening Sagittarius full moon? The energy begins to wane as the week begins, and the moon’s presence in Capricorn on Monday and Tuesday provides us with stabilizing energy, helping us take in the bewildering transformations we collectively experienced.
Venus, the planet of love, will have entered Leo on June 5, and it’ll remain there until October 8 — a longer-than-usual transit due to an upcoming retrograde cycle which will start July 22. This first week of Venus in Leo amps up the drama, passion, and flair in the cosmos, allowing us to pursue our objectives with boldness and courage.
The highlight of the week is the fact that Pluto, the planet of transformation, is spending its final week in the sign of Aquarius — up until January 2024, that is. Starting next week, Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn and remain there until the end of the year. This week is likely to be focused on finding innovative ways to enact global change by first focusing on making progress on a local level. Community beach clean up, anyone?
Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.
Aries Sun & Rising:
Aries, as the week begins, you’re reflecting on how to tap into superstar energy now that Venus, the planet of love, is in your fellow Fire sign of Leo. Your sector of fame, fate, and creativity is lit up by this transit until October 8, making you a cosmic favorite. Jupiter may no longer be in your sign, but this energy will definitely make you feel like it is. Get crystal clear about what you want to be known for, because you’ll likely catapult to the top of your chosen field(s) during Venus’ extended stay in Leo.
Another cosmic theme to reflect on this week? Pluto, the planet of transformation, is wrapping up the first stretch of this year’s transit through Aquarius, which activates your sector of friendship and social networks. This final week of Pluto in Aquarius (until January 2024, when it will return to Aquarius for a 20-year stay), is helping you be honest with yourself about your relationship with social media, and with your social life in general. The more discernment you have, the better.
Taurus Sun & Rising:
Taurus, now that Venus, your planetary ruler, is in the sign of Leo until October 8, you’ll be feeling more restless and somewhat antsy when it comes to your social relationships. Leo energy squares off (creates astrological tension) with your Taurus nature, so you’ll have less patience when people grate on your nerves. The key is to let out your grievances in real time rather than being passive-aggressive about what you’re feeling. Practice doing so this week — but be careful to not burn bridges in the process.
This is the final week of Pluto, the planet of transformation, being present in the sign of Aquarius this year. Pluto in Aquarius also squares off with your Taurus nature, so these past few months may have led to you questioning your path and overall evolutionary journey. But there’s a reason the universe has been testing you and pushing you out of your comfort zone. Now that Jupiter’s in your sign until May 2024, you have to keep it super real with yourself about what lights you up, and what drains you. Spend the week journaling answers to these questions, with the help of Pluto in Aquarius giving you a firm nudge and encouraging you to stop playing it safe.
Gemini Sun & Rising:
Gemini, you’re coming alive this week, as Venus, the planet of social dynamics, spends its first week in Leo. This activates your sector of communication, and since Leo energy harmonizes well with your mercurial nature, you may end up taking center stage at work or in your social life. People want to hear what you have to say, and your confidence will increase during this transit, which lasts until October 8. Make the most of it by shooting your shot and taking a leap of faith this week, especially if you feel very passionate about it. It’s likely to pay off!
Pluto’s final week in Aquarius also brings you luck and prosperity, as your sector of expansion, higher knowledge, and travel is lit up for the final time until January 2024. If you’ve been considering applying for a new educational program or getting more proficient in a course, either locally or abroad, you have the green light to pursue that calling. The energy of the Sag full moon is still lingering in the cosmos, making your birthday season more stimulating and adventurous with each passing day. “Ask and you shall receive!”
Cancer Sun & Rising:
Cancer, you’ve made it through the restless and unpredictable energy of the Sagittarius full moon, and this week calls for you to rest. That may be easier said than done, though, because once Venus enters Leo on June 5 — where it remains until October 8 — you’ll be struck with cosmic inspiration, especially when it comes to ways you can increase your income. Having both Venus and Mars in your money sector at the same time could increase your workaholic tendencies, but Pluto’s retrograde through Aquarius is reminding you that taking the mellow route will help you reach your goals more efficiently.
Speaking of Pluto in Aquarius, on June 11th it will leave Aquarius and retrograde back into Capricorn, which will highlight your sector of relationships and marriage until the beginning of 2024. These final days of Pluto in Aquarius are therefore ideal for taking a look at your mergers — not necessarily the romantic ones, but especially the financial, creative, and spiritual ones. Which connections and collaborations leave you feeling excited, and which ones leave you feeling drained? This week is ideal for weeding out what’s no longer bringing you sustainable joy, and making room for what does.
Leo Sun & Rising:
Leo, Leo, Leo. It’s your time to shine (even more than usual). On June 5, Venus makes an iconic shift into your sign, and it remains there until October 8. Venus’ transits usually last about four weeks, but since the planet of love will shift retrograde in your sign on July 22, it’ll remain in your cosmic abode for 18 weeks! It’s officially "shoot your shot" season. Take advantage of this potent magnetism coursing through you, and get clear about what you want from the universe. If you’ve been ready for a raise or promotion at work, or if you’re considering amping up your entrepreneurial path, you’re encouraged to boldly take the leap during this Venus transit — just try to do so before Venus retrograde begins next month.
Meanwhile, in your relationships, Pluto’s final week retrograde in Aquarius has you reflecting on how you’ve been showing up in your relationships, and how you’d like them to show up for you. Don’t be surprised if your past lovers or flings hit you up or slide into your DMs. Now that Venus and Mars are both in your sign at the same time, everyone wants a piece of you, and if they fumbled the bag with you, they’re likely to regret it. Your job is to not let your ego or pride stop you from forgiving those who deserve it. Remember Leo: when we forgive, it frees our hearts from holding on to grudges and resentment. So in a way, forgiveness is a healthily selfish act.
Virgo Sun & Rising:
Virgo, this week is all about deepening your relationship with your spirituality. Venus, the planet of love, enters Leo on June 5, and will remain there until October 8th. Your sector of closure, healing, and transcendence is lit up by Venus and Mars, both in Leo, asking you to be more selfish about what you need to feel at peace with your healing journey. You may be tired of always being the bigger person, and pretending not to be hurt, when deep inside you’re seething with rage. Tap into the fiery, unstoppable flames of Leo and let your anger out in a productive way, perhaps through signing up for a kickboxing class or hiking to the top of a mountain and yelling at the top of your lungs.
Pluto, the planet of transformation, spends its final week retrograde in the sign of Aquarius, and this helps you focus on innovating your health and wellness routine. Become aware of which physical activities and self-care rituals feel enjoyable to you, and which ones you absolutely dread. This week can help you shift your habits according to what you actually want to be doing, rather than sticking to what you’ve conditioned yourself to do.
Libra Sun & Rising:
Libra, get ready for a boost of confidence once Venus, your planetary ruler, enters Leo on June 5, where it’ll remain until October 8. Your sector of friendship and technology is activated by this 18-week transit, and suddenly you’ll be crystal clear about how you want to show up in your social life. If you previously were unsure of what you needed from friendships, or if you were inconsistent regarding your social media image, you’ll go through a rebirth during Venus in Leo, and everyone will notice your magnetic aura.
With Pluto, the planet of transformation, spending its final week retrograde in Aquarius, your sector of fate, true love, and creativity is activated. You may be hit with a wave of nostalgia as you reflect on the sunnier moments of your most intimate relationships, but you’ll also be able to remain healthily detached from the need to run back to your past. Instead, use this transit to express gratitude for people who enriched your life, while learning key lessons about what worked and didn’t work. The great thing about you Libra is that you’re not afraid of starting over.
Scorpio Sun & Rising:
Scorpio, this week you’ll practically be unrecognizable — in a good way. The energy from the recent Sagittarius full moon helped you glow-up beyond measure. It endowed you with the boost of optimism and confidence you needed to start off the month of June, and this energy will keep going as the week goes by.
Venus, the planet of love, enters Leo on June 5, shining a bright light on your sector of career and reputation until October 8. This is the time to roll up your sleeves and get to work on passion projects that you’re confident will help you get to the next level. Weed out the distractions and amp up your visualization exercises, because you’re on fire right now.
You know how your planetary ruler Pluto’s presence in Aquarius has been putting you through it these past few months? Fortunately for you, Pluto’s spending its final week retrograde in Aquarius, which means that starting Sunday, June 11, you won’t feel as much astrological tension — at least not until January 2024, when Pluto returns to Aquarius until 2044. Enjoy this respite, while also reflecting on the potent lessons you’ve learned ever since Pluto entered Aquarius in March of this year. You’re much better at learning the art of healthy emotional detachment. Celebrate your progress this week.
Sagittarius Sun & Rising:
Sag, you’ve made it through the full moon in your sign, and you’ll continue to feel the lingering effects of this lunation all week long. Once Venus, the planet of love, enters your fellow Fire sign of Leo on June 5 — and remains there for an extended stay, until October 8 — your sector of fate, true love, and creativity will be lit up. When you combine this transit with Mars’ presence in Leo, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at all the attention and recognition you receive this week and beyond. While it’s great to relish in the spotlight, don’t let it get to your head to the point of losing focus. Get clear on what you want to be known for and why.
Pluto, the planet of transformation, spends its final few days in Aquarius, and then you’ll bid it adieu until January 2024. Pluto’s retrograde through Aquarius has activated the realm of communication in your life, and this transit is helping you be honest with yourself about times when you’ve actually been dishonest with yourself, or others. Those little white lies or evasive statements add up, and they can eventually bite you in the butt if you’re not careful. This is the ideal week to clear the air and fess up to any wrongdoings or omissions you’ve done or said these past few months. Clear your karma, dear Archer, and you’ll soar even higher.
Capricorn Sun & Rising:
Capricorn, you’ve gone through a spiritual rebirth thanks to last week’s Sagittarius full moon, and now this week is about rising from your ashes like a phoenix, and boldly embarking on a fresh start. The moon’s presence in your sign Monday and Tuesday emboldens you and allows you to create a game plan for the rest of the month of June — you’re likely to feel more productive, at least these next two weeks before your ruler Saturn shifts retrograde.
Venus’ entrance into Leo on the 5 might catch you off guard though, as you may have preferred the calmer waters of Venus in Cancer, which activated your partnership sector these past few weeks. Venus in Leo still brings attention to your relationships, but more in an intimate, soulful, and subconscious way. This transit will last until October 8, and your dreams will highlight truths about what’s healthy and what’s toxic in your current dynamics. No one can change these dynamics but you, so try not to run away from what makes you feel uncomfortable. There’s a reason your subconscious is bringing this to your attention.
Pluto’s getting ready to re-enter your sign for one final stretch starting June 11, and these final days of Pluto’s presence in Aquarius could feel like you’re being cosmically teased. Instead of trying to rush ahead to next week, use Pluto’s retrograde in Aquarius to evaluate your financial wellness and make the necessary adjustments. You may be able to break an unhealthy spending pattern just in time for Pluto’s re-entrance into your sign, and this will help you make smarter money moves moving forward.
Aquarius Sun & Rising:
Aquarius, this is a significant week for you, as Pluto, the planet of transformation, spends its final six days retrograde in your sign. Starting Sunday, June 11, it’ll re-enter Capricorn and remain there until January 2024. Then in January, Pluto re-enters your sign for a twenty-year transit! Think back to where you were around March 23 of this year, when Pluto first entered your sign for the first time in over 200 years. You’ve gone through a metamorphosis during this transit, and it’s just getting started. Use this week to track your progress and celebrate the growth you’ve experienced on a personal and psychological level.
Venus, the planet of love, enters your opposite sign of Leo on the 5, and this infuses fiery, adventurous, and sexy energy into your relationships. Venus will remain in Leo until October 8, helping you be more direct and clear about what you want from love. If you’ve been putting love and intimacy on the back burner during Pluto’s transit in your sign, Venus in Leo serves as a reminder that it’s better to have a well-rounded human experience than to only focus on your revolutionary ideals. You can simultaneously change the world and allow yourself to be loved, Aquarius. Make that your mission and mantra for the week.
Pisces Sun & Rising:
Pisces, Venus’ entrance into Leo on June 5 shines a light on your sector of health, wellness, and routine. If you’ve felt a bit stagnant when it comes to working out or being active, you’ll notice a surge of dynamic energy due to Venus in Leo. You may be inspired to hit the gym or pick up a hobby that doesn't actually feel like a traditional workout. It’s best to get started on it this week, because starting next month, Venus will be retrograde in your health sector, and you may find yourself backtracking, whether you want to or not.
Pluto, the planet of transformation, spends its final week in Aquarius, highlighting a need for you to check in with your mental and spiritual health. If you’ve been considering therapy, or, alternatively, if you’re ready to set a boundary and take a break from being your loved ones’ therapist, Pluto’s retrograde through Aquarius is here to help you do so. No more putting your own needs on the back burner, Pisces. You know what you need to do to feel balanced and at peace, even amidst chaos. This week helps you get started, even if at first all you do is take baby steps.