Husband challenge: GOING ON REAL DATES. #TheBachelorette
— Emily Longeretta (@emilylongeretta) May 30, 2017
I want to see a Husband Material challenge that includes picking up birth control prescriptions from the pharmacy. #TheBachelorette
— Marla Depew (@MarlaDepew) May 30, 2017
The worst guy, Lucas, on the bachelorette won "husband material", this is him:
— faïth? (@chillarybankz) May 30, 2017
If Whaboom is husband material, I'm never getting married. #TheBachelorette
— Her Campus (@HerCampus) May 30, 2017
The Whaboom asshole is husband material? I'd smother him in his sleep for the life insurance. #bachelorette
— Maria (@nikonjunkie) May 30, 2017
When Whaboom says he's husband material #TheBachelorette
— Kelsey Vita (@kjveets) May 30, 2017