Lauren Graham Is Worried That Expectations For Gilmore Girls Reboot Are Too High

Photo: Jim Smeal/BEI/REX.
After ending nine years ago next month, Gilmore Girls returns on Netflix and Lauren Graham is worried that the hype around Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life a little is too great. Graham told E! that she loves the new episodes, but isn't certain how fans will respond. "I'm afraid to be as kind of glowing about it as I feel," she said, "because I know that expectations are already high." High indeed: Netflix is opening pop up versions of Luke's Diner on October 5. Fans are eagerly awaiting some Lorelai-Luke sexual tension, and even the possibility of a pregnancy. Graham said she's excited about the series to return on November 25 because shooting the show was such a great time. "For me, personally, it was just an incredibly gratified experience," she told E News. "So, I hope people enjoy it."
Could expectations be too high? Impossible. There's a GOOP joke in the first scene. In any event, we've cancelled any dinner plans, dates, and family functions because nothing about the Gilmore ladies (even choosing life with the wrong guy) could ever disappoint.

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