Everything In This Rad New Makeup Line Is $8 or Less

While some may say that Gen Z is more aware of the gadgets in their hands than the world around them, we think it's all about perspective. As the first generation to grow up with smart phones and the internet, Gen Z is tuned in and always connected — for better or for worse. But they're also revolutionary in how they view beauty, diversity, and inclusivity. In fact, if there's anyone who doesn't GAF about the rules, it's Gen Z — and we're ready to follow their lead.
A new season means a new crop of beauty products to hit the market — and many of the latest have been crafted with the youth in mind. Enter: C.Y.O. It screams Gen Z for two major reasons — it's really affordable (not a single one of the 160 products is over $8) and it wants you to break the rules. The newest brand to exclusively hit Walgreens shelves this fall calls to your chic 16-year-old cousin — yes, the one who has a verified Twitter handle and her own student-led, sex-positive book club — in the same way that Bonne Bell or Hard Candy attracted millennials way back when. But, of course, anyone can use these cool new offerings in 2017.
Click ahead to check out the C.Y.O. products we're sure will sell out this month.

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