If the eyes are indeed the windows to the soul, wouldn’t you want to gussy up your gaze with the finest drapes around? Obviously. So, when it comes to picking a pair of glasses, ensuring they're equal parts timeless, lavish, and flattering is essential (after all, your peepers are the first feature people notice). And who better to trust with your baby blues (or browns, or greens) than the epitome of sophistication and luxe: Tom Ford.
But at what cost? Like, where is the line, people?
The designer just launched a line of beyond-chic specs for fall '12 that are culled from some of the rarest materials around. Shaped from gold-plated medal and precious water buffalo horn, the focals come in at...wait for it...$2,950. These ‘50s-inspired lenses send our hearts aflutter, for sure, but with a price tag higher than our rent, we aren’t sure we can cop them anytime soon. Quick solution: We'll be adding the super-swanky glasses to our ever-expanding wish list.
Photo: Via Tom Ford