So, you’ve seen our three style-blogger contestants — Ann Somma, Becka Diamond, and Meghan Donovan — flaunt their fave shoes from the brand-new Nine West Sneaker Collection in three awesome Instagram photo shoots where they broke some media, smashed their passions, and tried to end their least-favorite trend. Now, at long last, it’s time to determine which of these creative lasses answered our challenges with the most style.
Of course, the only way to make sure the right one makes off with $1,000 in chic Nine West kicks is to turn the judging over to the most discerning panel of fashion experts in the world — our Refinery29 readership. Oh, and by voting, you’re automatically entered to win $500 in Nine West wears yourself. Now, put on your judge's robes and click ahead — this is gonna be fun.
Ann’s energy floored us, as did her destruction of many innocent balloons. But her King Kong-sized kick to the Manhattan skyline was our fave (we’re suckers for trompe l'oeil).
Sonni in Bronze, available at Nine West.
Instagram Filters: Amaro, Rise
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We really appreciated the fact that Becka sacrificed some of her record collection for her photo shoot (hope it wasn’t anything good!). This tableau of style icons was our winner, thanks to Hunter, Keef, and Madge.
LANA in black, available at Nine West.
Instagram Filters: Lomo-Fi, Valencia.
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We adored the way Meg’s sensible, shiny, new sneaks looked paired against our dirty, dingy sidewalks. But in the end, we loved seeing her trample her sandals to death even more. Die, Tevas! Die!
DLV 300 in silver, available at Nine West.
Instagram Filter: Hefe
Now that we’ve seen what these beautiful bloggers can do, we’re turning this style battle over to you. Vote for your fave below — and rally your pals to do the same — because the fashionable amateur photog with the most nods will walk home (in her new sneaks) with $1,000 in Nine West gear. Oh, and we didn’t leave you out — vote now, and you’ll be automatically entered to win $500 in Nine West goods for your own closet. Chose well, darlings!