Party Pix: The Coolest Boat In The World

Art Basel Miami madness officially began last night, and holy shit did it start with a bang. André Balazs threw a massive rager with Dom Pérignon to celebrate the first sea launch of design icon Marc Newson's The Aquariva, quite possibly the coolest boat in the known universe. Crafted in partnership with Officina Italiana Design, the vessel launched in September with a limited edition of 22, resulting in a massive orgasm by design junkies everywhere. The speed boat is fit for Avatar, with unique materials, state-of-the-art technology, and a slick, sleek look that would really make for a stellar standout piece in, say, our living room. Of course this seafaring splurge comes at a staggery price—$1.28 million each, available only through Gagosian Gallery (though if you have that cash, we guarantee it will be worth a mint in five years of so). We're not surprised that the clutch of NYC peeps who gathered to witness this gorgeous craft were equally as glam—Jean Pigozzi, Stefano Tonchi, China Chow, Sante D'Orazio, Andre Saraiva, and Rafael de Cardenas checked out the Aquariva very, very hungrily. Of course, Balazs stole the show; he made his arrival to the fete by showing up on the boat before it was docked at the Standard Miami for the evening. Brings to mind a Barenaked Ladies song, don't it?

All photos courtesy of Nadine Johnson and Associates

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