In need of a new winter coat or some cozy winter accessories? Head to the newly opened Mackage store on Mercer and stock up on wears that will keep you warm all season. The Montreal-based brand (so yes, they definitely know how to keep you from freezing) opened its first US store December 2nd in downtown NYC with a swingin' shindig sponsored by Belvedere Vodka and hosted by rock royalty and resident Djs/fashion favorites Alexandra and Theodora Richards. The brand spankin' new space (2,000 square feet of it to be exact) features women's and men's outerwear plus an exclusive collection of shearling jackets and mink accessories all by designers Elisa Dahan and Eran Elfassy (cofounders of the line who've been friends since age 12 —you know we love fashion friends!). We are just dying to get our hands on one of those plush but perfectly tailored wool coats, especially after braving the falling snow in NYC Monday for the first time this season.
123 Mercer (between Spring and Prince); 212-925-1455.