Action planet Mars will be in the air sign Gemini from July 20 to September 4, making it one of the summer's most significant and important astrological transits. The last time Mars moved through Gemini was from August 20 2022 to March 25 2023 (the retrograde phase began on October 30 2022 and lasted until January 12 2023). This time we revisit the themes and stories that came to light when Mars danced through the mutable sign. Think back to those moments in 2022 and 2023 to understand how Mars in Gemini will affect you in the months ahead.
Gemini likes routines and the powerful punch that warrior planet Mars adds to this will encourage this placement to take on errands, tasks and chores with enthusiasm — especially if it means wandering around the local community. They’ll take on work with energy and joy, ensuring that everything gets done promptly. This also means we might be inspired to burn the midnight oil; however, knowing how to balance your life before experiencing exhaustion and anxiety is vital.
When it comes to how we express our sensuality, Mars in Gemini will bring out our flirtatious nature. We’ll want to let our passions be known through sexting and not hold back on telling people about our desires. The same goes for hexting (aka hate texting). In heated moments of intense emotion and anger, putting our phones down will be hard. It’s critical we take a step back and understand the weight of what is being said or written. Draft your thoughts before sending them out. Words can hurt; use them wisely. Pay attention to tales and gossip that are circulating in your peer group. Since Gemini is a dualistic sign, there could be more to the story and things may not be as they seem. If the vibe doesn’t feel right, then it’s advisable to trust your instincts.
How To Navigate Through The Energy
Breathe through it. If you have any stress or frustration, take a few deep breaths as you inhale and exhale to calm your thoughts.
Journal. Write down your feelings to explore them on a profound level. You’ll be surprised by how much you can connect with your emotions by journaling them.
Take breaks in communication. You don’t have to send blocks of text paragraphs at a time. Think about the heart of the matter and send one simple yet meaningful message.
Rest your mind. Don’t overthink matters. Disengage from obsessive thoughts through meditation and connecting with nature.
Most importantly, take on fun activities. Mars in Gemini likes to be social and have a good time. Therefore you should, too!
Important Dates
July 20: Mars enters Gemini, creating six weeks of exploration, sarcasm, excitement and excellence through communication, written words and the use of language. The pen will prove to be mightier than any sword.
July 21: Mars in Gemini harmonizes with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, empowering us to confront matters and people to change relationship dynamics.
July 25: Mars in Gemini sextiles the Leo sun, giving us the confidence to evolve and embrace our fabulousness.
August 1: Mars in Gemini connects with the Nodes of Destiny, urging us to commit to activities, projects and endeavors that will play an essential role in our future.
August 14: Mars and Jupiter form a conjunction in Gemini, expanding our beliefs, circle of friends, philosophy, knowledge and goals.
August 16: Mars in Gemini squares Saturn retrograde in Pisces, making us struggle with growth and confidence.
August 22: Mars in Gemini creates a fantastic moment with Venus in Virgo, helping us induce creativity, pleasure and romance in our lives and social circles.
August 24: Mars in Gemini links up with Mercury retrograde in Leo, allowing us to speak from the heart and say how we feel about past matters.
September 3: Mars in Gemini shares a tense aspect with Neptune retrograde in Pisces before switching signs. We might feel unsure of the journey ahead, leading to self-doubt and uncertainty. Keep the faith to get through this day's rocky and foggy conditions.