We’ve all been there (at some point), begrudgingly borrowing from the ‘rents to make it through the week. Sigh. But, even with adult allowances on the rise, we’re a tad perplexed at the thought of a parent lending their offspring $70,000 to start a blog (that's upwards of a year of college tuition). Well, that’s about how much Jane Aldridge’s parents forked over to help catapult Sea of Shoes to what it is today.
Don’t get us wrong, we frequent the site and gawk at the glossy images of covetable steppers on the reg. But between the fancy footwear (the blog’s main selling point) and a makeover to reflect her “online life” — the fam has dropped oodles of dough, and we can't pretend it didn't give us a moment's pause. Sure, building a brand is no walk in the park — and it takes more than stellar business acumen and wide-eyed wonderment to make magic happen. But where do parents draw the line?
Photo: Via Sea of Shoes