Another day, another bullet point to be added to James Franco's growing resume. The actor-turned everything has dabbled in art and writing in the past (a Franco-focused exhibit at MOCA and a byline on Huff Post, most recently!), but you could say his new project is his most titillating yet.
Debuting in the mag's July/August issue, Franco will pen a column (dubbed "Francofile," how clever!) for Playboy. The first of six stories will be a Q&A with performance artist (and his one-time Met Gala date) Marina Abramovic, and will apparently explore "space, energy, and magic."
Perhaps the maniac method actor was inspired by his recent role as Hugh Hefner in the upcoming flick Lovelace. Or perhaps he has chosen to follow in the footsteps of literary greats (Tom Wolfe, Kurt Vonnegut, and Jack Kerouac, to name a few) that have been featured within the pages of the provocative publication. Either way, the writing's on the wall: Franco's a bonafide playboy in every sense of the word. (Just Jared)

Photo: Via Just Jared