The Most Common Foundation Mistakes — & Exactly How To Fix ‘Em

Foundation can be, in a word, troublesome. Isn't that why so many of us love BB creams? They're easy, one-step, and come in fewer shade options, which makes picking one a lot less complicated. But, the benefits of wearing foundation can be awesome. They even out your skin tone, last longer than BBs, give you the perfect, photo-ready finish, and make your face look fresher and more luminous. A good foundation application is the hardest makeup move to master — other than, perhaps, the crazy world of contouring. Foundation application is what makeup artists pride themselves on: The right base will take you way farther than a killer smoky-eye technique.
Sadly, most of us have had bad experiences with foundation products: They cake, crease, settle in our fine lines, and somehow turn orange in the middle of the day. But, as makeup artist Benjamin Puckey insists, foundation is well worth the extra effort. And, once you get the hang of it, applying foundation like a pro can be pretty damn easy to do. 
Ahead, Puckey helps us outline the most common foundation mistakes and provide a simple, easy solution for each. May luminous, flawless skin be with you.

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