Your Horoscope This Week: March 24 To 30

With Mars now in Pisces as this eclipse week begins, we’re feeling a blend of self-compassion and a desire for greater harmony and peace in our relationships. The lunar eclipse full moon in Libra strikes at 3 a.m. on Monday 25, encouraging all zodiac signs to start the week on a mellow and balanced note. Consider ways you can decrease the amount of mental, physical, and psychological stress you put on your plate. There’s power in cultivating community around this time — let your healing happen while surrounded by beings who also admit when they need help. 
The eclipse is the highlight of the week, as lunar eclipses often shed light on what was once hidden. Think back to Libra Season 2023 and what was going on personally and collectively around this time. We’re likely to make significant strides in political and revolutionary movements around this eclipse, which may feel like “The Tower” moment in tarot. Our mission is to allow all superficialities to crumble as we peel back the layers of illusion that Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune in Pisces may be coloring the world with. We’ll end the week wondering who we really are and what we truly want. 
Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

This week’s lunar eclipse in Libra activates your sector of partnership and marriage, Aries. The next several years are revolutionizing this area of your life, particularly since the north node is traveling in your sign and the south node is in your opposite sign of Libra. This week you may have to deal with a friendship or romantic breakup which may have caught you by surprise. Since this is occurring during the pre-retrograde shadow of Mercury, chances are there’s more to the story, so avoid being too reactive. Tap into the calmer energy of Venus and Mars’ presence in Pisces, and meditate your way through any chaos or misunderstandings. 
The days after the Libra eclipse are all about unwinding and allowing yourself to imagine what’s possible for you during your birthday season. Even if you’ve had to let go of connections that are no longer a vibrational match, you’ll notice that it made room for the type of relationships that feel reciprocal and filled with mutual bliss. 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, the week begins with the lunar eclipse full moon in your fellow Venus-ruled sign of Libra. This intensifies your desire to take care of your health and to encourage your loved ones to take care of theirs. You may have had a health scare in your immediate surroundings that reminds you to not take your wellness journey for granted. With Jupiter still in your sign until May 25, you have the green light to start fresh if you’ve wanted to embark on a clean eating or fitness journey. Just make sure to pace yourself this week in particular, because eclipse energy can feel draining. 
With Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune all in Pisces, your sector of friendship and social network is activated this week, meaning that the eclipse story playing out right now might also impact your social circles. It’s up to you to decide how much energy you can pour into others, and how many boundaries you have to put in place in order to protect your peace and feel safe in your own orbit. You can’t be everything to everyone, so trust your instincts. 

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, with your planetary ruler Mercury now in Aries and preparing to begin its retrograde next week, chances are that this lunar eclipse week will have you reflecting on past versions of yourself and who you used to chill with socially. A part of you may feel nostalgic for what you once viewed as simpler times, but another side of you also feels like you’ve outgrown that era of your life. Give yourself permission to conceptualize what your evolutionary journey has been. The growth that you’ve done ever since Libra Season 2023 is pretty remarkable, and it’s only going to continue once Jupiter enters your sign at the end of May. 
This Libra lunation activates your sector of fate, true love, and creativity. If you’ve found yourself in a situationship that leaves you in limbo, this eclipse week could lead to you opening up about your feelings and trying to gain clarity about the situation. Your mission is to speak your truth and allow the other person (or people) to do the same without trying to control the outcome. If you find yourself getting antsy or restless, tap into an artistic outlet to release tension. 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, since you’re ruled by the Moon, you’ll particularly feel the influence of the Libra lunar eclipse on the 25th — in fact you most likely felt symptoms ever since the start of the astro new year last week. Your mission is to stay close to home during this eclipse week, as your sector of home and roots is activated by the moon in Libra. You may be in the mood to take part in some hardcore spring cleaning, renovating, redecorating, decluttering, or relocation. Just make sure to pace yourself during this process, as Mercury in Aries is in its pre-shadow period, which means you run the risk of rushing into new ideas that may not be sustainable long-term. 
Fortunately, the presence of Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune all in Pisces allows you to tap into your intuitive awareness, which can help you sense which new chapters to embark on, and which old chapters to peacefully release. This eclipse week encourages you to practice the art of healthy emotional detachment by not taking everything people do or say that seriously. Just be here now. 

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, the Libra lunar eclipse at the start of the week activates your sector of communication and creativity, and it lights up a strong desire within you — you want to feel loved in a healthy, nurturing way, and you want it to feel easeful. This is something that can happen if you decide to let love in without allowing your pride or ego to put up unnecessary barriers. This eclipse asks you to acknowledge ways you may have consciously or unconsciously put people through mind tests and manipulation techniques these past six months. Think back to the status of your relationships — creative, platonic, and romantic — during Libra Season 2023. What lessons have you learned since then? 
With Mercury about to begin its pre-shadow period in your fellow fire-sign of Aries, reflect on ways putting your own needs first worked out in your favor, and also reflect on ways you may have gone to extremes in doing so, to the detriment of your closest companions. Retrogrades are ideal periods for giving something another shot, with a refined perspective in mind, so allow yourself to start over in any relationship if you feel called. 

Virgo Sun & Rising:

This week’s lunar eclipse in Libra lights up your sector of money and self-esteem, Virgo. With Mercury about to begin its retrograde in Aries on April 1, you can tell that it’s a good time to review your expenses and savings from the first quarter of the year. It’s best to face the truth head-on and either celebrate yourself if you’re doing better than expected, or take notes if you fell short of what your quarterly goals were. Some Virgos may realize that they didn’t even set quarterly goals — this is a good opportunity to start fresh and begin doing so from this point on.
 With Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune currently in Pisces — in your sector of partnership and marriage — a part of you is seeking intimacy and companionship, and you’re being asked to lean into this desire this week, particularly since Libra is known as the sign of relationships and you’ll be influenced by the Libra eclipse. So much of what you desire for yourself can be acquired by forming a soulful connection with someone who wants to contribute to your growth. Invest more in your relationships. 

Libra Sun & Rising:

Happy lunar eclipse in Libra! Your annual full moon has arrived, but since it’s taking place on the same day as a lunar eclipse it’ll feel like the potency of a full moon multiplied by 10. Your mission this week is to lay low and chill without taking on other people’s stress, drama, or burdens. Focus instead on what you can release from your life, be that clothes that you never wear, paperwork you’ve been meaning to shred or recycle, or emails you’ve been meaning to archive. Create mental and physical space for you to breathe easy. 
This eclipse week could bring sudden changes or shifts in your relationship with yourself, as well as your relationship with others — due to the moon in your sign opposing the sun in Aries. While you can’t control what happens, you do have the ability to control how you choose to react to it. This week may put you through psychological and spiritual tests to see how you choose to respond to life’s unexpected plot twists. Remember the power of your breath, and of a good nap. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, this first eclipse of 2024 is not taking place in the Scorpio-Taurus axis, so while you’ll still feel the emotionally intense effects of the Libra lunar eclipse in your sector of spirituality, you’ll also feel waves of peace and harmony entering your life this week. Whatever weight you previously were carrying on your shoulders can now be released. You have to make the choice to no longer carry that burden. You have to decide that you’re ready for a lighter and brighter reality. 
With four planets currently traveling through Pisces, your sector of true love and creativity is lit up, which could lead to you feeling more romantic, dreamy, and sensual, and also more imaginative and artsy. Find ways to balance all of your desires so that you feel well-rounded and fulfilled by what you’re doing and who you’re spreading love to and receiving love from. “It could all be so simple,” is your motto for this week. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, the lunar eclipse in Libra strikes on the 25th in your sector of friendship and social networks. You’ve been feeling a desire to switch things up socially these past few days, and this eclipse could spotlight ways for you to do so — either through joining a course or workshop, or starting your own support group of sorts. The north node in Aries and south node in Libra is encouraging you to branch out and be more intentional about your community. 
Several planets are swimming through your fellow mutable sign of Pisces right now, so this eclipse week could make it hard for you to focus on routine-like initiatives. It’s Aries Season, which is adventure time. It’s best for you to let loose during this final week before Mercury retrograde begins — go do something you’ve been wanting to do, and invite someone you’ve been meaning to hang out with along with you. Big YOLO energy. 

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Now that it’s Aries Season, you’re feeling more energized and ready to rumble, Capricorn. But the Libra lunar eclipse strikes on Monday in your sector of career, which could throw a wrench in your plans. Some Capricorns may deal with the termination of a work contract, or may suddenly feel a strong urge to quit their jobs or negotiate better pay or better benefits. Mercury’s not yet retrograde, so if you’ve done your homework and feel confident about what’s possible, go for it, as the sun and Mercury will help you come off as assured and well-researched. 
But if you’re instead just stuck in a sort of limbo phase due to Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune all in Pisces right now, it’s best to journal your feelings or talk to a close friend or therapist this week rather than doing or saying anything reckless. Find a way to healthily explore and release your feelings without sabotaging your long-term goals. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Water bearer, the Libra lunar eclipse on the 25th brings more peace and patience to your worldly perspectives and interactions. Instead of getting caught up in a political debate with someone and shaming them for their beliefs, you’ll surprise yourself with your ability to put yourself in their shoes and see things from their perspective. This is quite the evolution from where you were just six months ago, during Libra Season 2023. You’re encouraged to practice greater empathy for yourself and others during this sensitive eclipse week, Aquarius. 
All of the Pisces planets in the cosmos are activating your sector of money and self esteem, so if you’ve felt a bit all over the place financially, it’s best to own up to that sensation rather than trying to pretend it doesn’t exist. Fortunately, since the sun and Mercury are both in Aries, in your sector of communication and creativity, you’ll be able to create a game plan for how you want to budget and invest your wealth in Q2 and beyond. Take things step by step, Aquarius. It’ll be more sustainable that way. 

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, this week’s lunar eclipse in Libra activates your sector of depth and merging, and this allows you to achieve greater heights of intimacy with your romantic partners and friends. If you’ve felt called to begin or continue therapy, you may decide to sign up this week or begin the research process. The Libra eclipse takes place in your sector of outside resources, which means that healing alongside someone who’s also gone through similar life experiences as you can be greatly beneficial. 
Now that Venus and Mars are both in your sign, along with Saturn and Neptune, you’ll feel like it’s still Pisces Season and the cosmos is having fun getting you to shine your light and accept the attention you’re receiving from secret and not-so-secret admirers. Your mission is to accept this magnetic moment and find ways to make the most of it, either through pitching a project at work or revealing your true feelings to your lover(s). 

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