5 Non-Basic Ways To Wear Sequins This New Year's Eve

Okay, okay. As you may have already read, many of us here at Refinery29 are pushing for sequin abstinence this New Year’s Eve. We share this sentiment with our readers knowing that many of you will choose to ignore it. And hey, if it doesn’t feel like New Year’s without a good dose of sparkling paillettes, who are we to judge? Sometimes, a girl just wants to shine.
If you do choose to participate in sequin-mania this December 31, all we ask is that you do so responsibly. Because, in our opinion, sequins are like the foods at the top of the pyramid: One should enjoy them sparingly, otherwise they might get sick. In layman's terms: wearing sequins is all about the mix, and one shiny piece can look perfect when worn with a simple T-shirt, casual sneakers, or even a cashmere sweater.
And don’t worry! We have examples! Here's five that will allow you to practice safe sequins for a healthy and happy New Year’s Eve.

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