The Ultimate Guide To Sleeping In A Dorm Room

Photographed by Michael Beckert.
College is a magical time when you don't have a parent enforcing bedtimes and you think you can function on essentially zero sleep. Between going to parties, studying into the wee hours of morning, and hooking up with new people, sleep is probably pretty low on your list of priorities. But that can catch up to you, fast.
The thing is, college-age people do need lots of sleep, between 7 and 10 hours a night, to be exact. If you're living in a dorm room for the first time, your sleep habits can go out the window — or at least suffer for the first few weeks.
If you are struggling to get shut-eye, ahead are some expert sleep tips. Roll your eyes all you want, but these strategies can help you get your ZZZs on track, so you're better rested for all your work and social obligations. So, consider this your back-to-school sleep hygiene checklist.

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