When we first heard about Andrej Pejic modeling woman's underwear, we were like, it was only a matter of time. But, on second thought, why? It's not that Andrej doesn't look amazing in the bra from Dutch brand Hema, (let's get real, he looks great in everything), it's just that it seems a bit gimmicky to use his gender-bending aesthetic to hawk gender-specific products. Admittedly, though, the bra does what it says, adding two cup sizes to Pejic's non-existent chest curves, so we guess the campaign is "successful" when it comes to boob size product development. Maybe the only natural response to this mash up by is a spread of Karlie Kloss rocking Joe Boxers. As always, tell us whatchya think in the comments below. (Fashionista)

Photo: Via Fashionista