Your Horoscope This Week: Dec 17 to 23

Ready for a new beginning? The solstice strikes this week on December 21 at 10:27 p.m. EST, marking the start of winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere. This coincides with the start of Capricorn Season.
During the first half of the week, the final days of the sun’s presence in Sagittarius adds more adventure and variety to our daily routines. But once the sun enters Capricorn we’ll collectively feel like there’s more work to be done.
It’s essential to pace yourself this week though, because Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn until the 23rd, giving us the impression that the more we try to control our life circumstances, the less in control we feel. On Saturday 23 Mercury shifts back into Sagittarius for its final week in retrograde, and we’ll feel a greater need to evaluate our values and our life journeys, while reimagining the society we want to live in on a local and global scale. “Think globally, act locally” should be our mantra as we prepare to round out the year.
Read your horoscopes for your sun and rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, the sun’s entrance into Capricorn this week helps you get clear about what’s working and not working professionally-speaking. Since Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn, chances are you’ll be second-guessing some of your career objectives, while also celebrating the milestones that you’ve achieved this year. Pace yourself rather than pressuring yourself to make major changes at work.
Focus instead on crafting the legacy you want to leave on the world — what do you want to be remembered for? Later this week, Mercury’s shift back into Sagittarius on the 23rd will have you in a risk-taking mood, as your sector of expansion is activated by Mercury retrograde. But this could lead to you getting caught up in entanglements or situationships that may be hard to get out of. It’s best to think twice before speaking or leaping this weekend, or else you may end up biting off more than you can chew.

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, on December 21 the solstice and start of Capricorn Season activates your sector of expansion and long journeys, making it an ideal time to either go back to school, begin a course you’ve been wanting to do for a while, or plan a trip (but if possible, wait until Mercury retrograde is over before going on it). With Jupiter spending its penultimate week retrograde in your sign, you can tell that change is right around the corner. Your mission is to be patient as your new path reveals itself.
Later this week, Mercury retrogrades its way out of Capricorn and into Sagittarius for one week before going direct. This further stimulates your need for experiencing something new and stepping out of your comfort zone, but it could also lead to you feeling restless and overly impulsive.
Find ways to ground yourself in nature this weekend, and meditate if you can. You must center yourself before Jupiter goes direct in your sign next week — that way you’ll hit the ground running as a new year begins.

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, now that your planetary ruler Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn, you’re being challenged to view your life and your relationships through a more critical lens. You may be known for having your head up in the clouds, but this retrograde, combined with the start of Capricorn Season on December 21, is likely to bring you back down to earth.
In the first half of the week, you’re likely to have a wake-up call reminding you that other people have feelings, and they tend to be affected by your actions (or lack thereof). Try not to take it too personally if people seem to need some space from you — your mercurial energy may feel triggering to them.
Things may lighten up once Mercury re-enters Sagittarius on the 23rd, but that doesn’t mean communication will be any smoother. It just means that you’re likely to have more of a sense of humor regarding any technical hiccups or misunderstandings that emerge during Mercury’s retrograde through Sag from the 23rd to the 30th. Plus, since Mars, the Planet of Action and Sex, remains in Sag until the 29th, lighting up your partnership sector, chances are that this weekend you’ll be as popular and desired as ever — use your magnetic powers wisely, and do your best to not lead others on.

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, you’re still taking in the downloads from last week’s new moon in Sag, which taught you the power of doing less work and having more fun. With the Sun entering Capricorn on the 21st and lighting up your partnership sector for the next four weeks, your mission now has to do with discerning who you’d like to have fun with, and why. Capricorn Season may initially feel much more serious, especially since Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn for most of this week. Your mission is to observe rather than react. Your annual full moon takes place next week so you’ll have plenty of time for the dramatics once that comes around.
This weekend, Mercury re-enters Sag and could throw your work or wellness plans for a loop. You may have to deal with your coach rescheduling or canceling on you at the last minute, or you may suddenly lose the momentum you had on a creative or work project you were working on. Instead of getting frustrated, take this as a sign to switch things up in your weekend routine. Explore different paths, or meet up with people you haven’t connected with in a while. Keeping an open mind will lead to pleasant surprises.

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, the solstice and start of Capricorn Season is usually an ideal time for you to get your life together, but this year you may feel a bit differently because Mercury, the Planet of Communication, is retrograde in Capricorn for most of the week, activating your sector of work, health, and service. You may find yourself getting easily irritated by people’s requests or by the responsibilities you have on your plate. Remember Leo, you may be a fixed sign, but you have the right to change your mind or re-route if you don’t feel inspired or motivated. Make sure you’re giving yourself grace, and even allowing yourself to call it quits if your heart’s not in it.
Once Mercury shifts into Sag on the 23rd, you’ll find yourself tending more lovingly to your inner child’s needs. This weekend is an ideal time for restarting a project or hobby that you loved as a child, or that you’ve always wanted to do. This will help you remain present and positive during the rest of this retrograde, without filling your life with unnecessary busy work.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, how are you holding up now that your planetary ruler Mercury is retrograde in your fellow Earth sign of Capricorn? The retrograde and the start of Capricorn Season on the 21st is teaching you how to be a better lover, artist, and friend, by having you evaluate ways that your super high standards and perfectionist attitudes did you more harm than good in the past. This week is about surrendering to the universe and trusting that it’s safe to reveal yourself fully to the people who have been patiently waiting to see and love you for who you are, flaws and all.
Mercury enters Sagittarius on the 23rd, so this weekend’s energy may feel slightly impulsive and erratic, which will initially make you feel wildly uncomfortable. But you’ll eventually get used to this rollercoaster you’ve found yourself on, and instead of fearing the peaks and valleys, you’ll allow yourself to have fun and simply enjoy the ride. Spend the weekend doing something you’ve been dreaming of doing but you’ve been putting off. It’s a fun way to round out this year.

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, with your planetary ruler still transiting through Scorpio, you’re feeling extra magnetic and sensual. The start of Capricorn Season on the 21st is a sharp contrast though, as it lights up your sector of home and the roots and asks you to get serious about what’s been feeling off in family-related matters. You may therefore have to balance your love life with your home life, but fortunately for you, you’re the sign of balance and harmony, so you’ll surely figure it out during the sun’s four-week transit through Capricorn.
Once Mercury retrogrades its way into Sagittarius this weekend, you’ll take a trip down memory lane and remember some of the wild times you had with your best friends and lovers. It’s not too late to activate that side of you again, for old time’s sake. But just make sure you’re triple checking texts or emails you send during Mercury’s retrograde through Sag, because it’s activating your communication sector and could lead to you hitting up the wrong person by mistake. Awkward!

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, your mission this week is to accept the blessings that keep pouring into your life — especially the ones that you didn’t see coming. Venus is enjoying its stay through your dramatic sign, and you may be too, as it’s leading to you getting more attention from your admirers. Chances are you’re only interested in one person right now though, as Venus in Scorpio tends to amp up your desire for intimacy and exclusivity. With Capricorn Season starting on the 21st and activating your communication sector for the next four weeks, this is definitely shoot-your-shot season (yes, even if Mercury is retrograde — when you know, you know).
Speaking of Mercury, the Planet of Communication shifts back into Sagittarius this Saturday, bringing your attention back to your finances and self-esteem as we prepare to enter the final week of 2023. This weekend, make sure to keep track of your spending and avoid impulse shopping during Mercury retrograde. It’s a great time to launch or promote a product you’ve been working on behind the scenes.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, the final days of the Sun’s transit through your sign will feel exciting, yet also sobering, as Mercury’s continued retrograde through Capricorn has you re- evaluating your core values and your financial decisions. This is making you more responsible than usual, particularly since your planetary ruler Jupiter is completing its retrograde through Taurus at the same time. You’ll be in the mood to party, but your real desire will be to get every aspect of your life together, pronto.
But once Mercury enters your sign on the 23rd, you’ll get signs from the universe reminding you of the importance of pacing yourself and trusting the process. The sun’s shift into Capricorn further activates your money sector, and encourages you to use Mercury’s retrograde in Sag to create a game plan for how you want to manage, spend, and invest your money in 2024. You don’t have to do this alone — hit up financially savvy friends or find a mentor who can make this process fun. That’s the only way you’ll stick with it.

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, your birthday season begins this week! Mercury’s presence in your sign has already given you a preview of what’s to come, but the fact that Mercury is retrograde could also make you feel nostalgic as you prepare for your solar return. Venus’ presence in Scorpio is activating your sector of friendship and community, so you may start off the week reflecting on who you want to celebrate your birthday season with, and why. Take time to mourn the friendships or situationships you’ve had to peacefully (or messily) release, while also making room for the ones that feel reciprocal and amplifying.
This Saturday, Mercury retrogrades its way out of your sign and into Sagittarius, and this influences your sector of spirituality and closure for the rest of the year. The first nine days of your birthday season will therefore be about learning how to forgive yourself or others so that you can let go of the dead weight or burdens that you’ve kept within you. Spend time this weekend writing down all the grudges you’ve held on to and the resentment you’ve stored in your heart. It’s time to release them into the wind, breath by breath.

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, the final days of Sagittarius Season are helping you have fun and enjoy yourself with people — it doesn’t matter whether they’re your ride or dies or strangers you met on the train. You just want to let loose and be free. This is necessary because you’ve been at the forefront of revolutionary movements lately, either literally by being on the frontlines of protests or metaphorically by doing the awakening work behind the scenes. It’s important to balance your activism with good old fashioned play.
Once Capricorn Season begins on the 21st, your sector of spirituality and healing will be activated for the next four weeks, which may lead to you entering hermit mode once again. Use Mercury’s transit through Sagittarius starting this Saturday to keep others in the loop before you suddenly disappear, or else they’ll accuse you of ghosting them or taking them for granted. You don’t have to over-explain yourself, but taking their feelings into account is a good look.

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, as Sag Season comes to an end you’ll find yourself dreaming of different vocations you’d like to try out in 2024. This is connected to the fact that Jupiter, the planet that rules both you and Sagittarius, is in its final two weeks retrograde through Taurus, and you can tell that it’s time to reinvent yourself.
Once the sun shifts into Capricorn on the 21st and the solstice begins, your sector of community and tech is lit up for the next four weeks, making this a prime time to network your way into your ideal career. It’s never too late to start over.
The one caveat? Mercury is currently retrograde, and on the 23rd it shifts back into Sagittarius, which could lead to you getting overwhelmed with different opportunities coming your way. You may have so many options about what path to take that you may end up not choosing any at all. Interestingly, this period of pause may work out in your favor, because most of your luck will really pop off in early 2024 once Jupiter is direct.

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