Meghan Markle recently made an unannounced visit to Wimbledon, where she was spotted cheering on her close friend Serena Williams. And days later, it appears that her chosen ensemble for the occasion — a white blazer, black top, and jeans — has come under fire.
According to the British publication The Times, several sources felt Meghan’s attire was inappropriate. Specifically, they were critical of her decision to wear jeans in a “members’ area” at the All England Club, where the annual tennis tournament takes place. “She’s not allowed to wear jeans,” one club member reportedly told the outlet.
“She wanted to come incognito but there were problems,” said another source. “They couldn’t invite her into the royal box because she was wearing jeans, but that didn’t really matter because all she wanted to do was come and watch Serena. Andy Murray was on Court 1 afterward, and it was a massive faux pas not to watch a Brit when she is signed up to the Royal Family.”
Another source, identified as an official who helped organize the event, went so far as to call it “a nightmare.”
Seems a bit dramatic, right?
For its part, the All England Club provided a response to the rumored jeans fiasco: “Any suggestion that the duchess’s visit was anything other than a privilege for the club is categorically not the view of the club, and she is always welcome to attend the championship.”
Regardless of the criticism, we happen to love Meghan’s chic, relaxed look — especially her jeans, her sweet jewelry nod to baby Archie and her go-to Panama hat.