Rosario Dawson & Julianne Moore Call For End Of “Humanitarian Crisis” In Anti-Trump PSA

Photo: Cindy Ord/Getty Images.
There is a lot at stake in the upcoming midterm elections. And, just in case you need another reminder of who it impacts, Rosario Dawson and Julianne Moore are here to help.
Dawson and Moore teamed up with We Stand United, an advocacy campaign formed after the 2016 election to defend immigration, reproduction, and LGBTQ rights, to create a PSA encouraging people to vote Democrat on November 6th.
The PSA focuses on the Trump administration’s use of detention centers at the country’s border, in which many people legally seeking asylum in the United States are separated from their families and held captive in inhumane conditions.
“They created a humanitarian crisis by cruelly separating many of those families and putting the children in cages,” Moore says in the video, as audio of weeping children who had been detained plays in the background.
“Now, they want to imprison these children indefinitely,” Dawson concludes.
The PSA also features immigrants who have experienced such detention centers firsthand. In the video, they describe the conditions in their home countries that encouraged them to leave, such as gang violence, as well as what they went through in the centers. One man says he was immediately separated from his daughter at the border and when he asked to see her, he was told he could not.
“The administration talks about ‘we have to keep evil away,’” Sergio Cordova, a volunteer leader, says in the PSA. “But if we no longer care about people and humanity then evil has already won. We’ve become evil as people.”
That’s about as good a motivation to vote as any. So, if you haven’t voted already, make sure to show up to the polls this Tuesday. This year, your voice can make a difference for those who don’t have one.

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