Courteney Cox Isn't Done Having Children

Photo: Rob Kim/Getty Images.
Courteney Cox is already a wonderful mom to her thirteen year old daughter, Coco Arquette. Now, she's ready to have a second child, this time with fiancé Johnny McDaid.
Cox and McDaid dated for six months before they got engaged. Although they took a break soon after, the couple is back together and looking to take some big steps. Kim Kardashian West isn't the only one who's ready for another baby.
Cox, who has experienced pregnancy issues before, opened up to New Beauty magazine in their Summer-Fall issue. She's thoughtfully considered her next steps.
"About four years ago, I found out I have something called a MTHFR gene mutation, which dictates how my body methylates," she revealed. "I suffered miscarriages."
People with this gene mutation have to watch what they digest. Anything with high levels of folic acid, like carrots, red onions, and broccoli, can complicate methylation. One side affect of this rare disease is an increased risk of blood clots. These blood clots are what cause recurrent miscarriages. It's a hard learning curve, but Cox has it under control.
"Once I found out how I could absorb nutrients and protect myself from toxins, my whole life shifted," she told New Beauty.
The Friends star is eager to change her life once again. Cox is considering receiving an egg donation in order to have a baby with McDaid. Her positivity is absolutely infectious — she's got a plan and she isn't going to let any little thing get in her way.
"I may be one of the older people doing it, but I would love to, with Johnny, that is," she goes on. "I know it’s crazy, but I would."
It's not crazy! It's inspiring.
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