Amber Rose’s Glowy-Skin Secret Is Completely Free — & Fun

Photo: Amanda Edwards/Getty Images.
There are some celebrity skin-care secrets that are so out of left field, you think your eyes will pop out from rolling them so hard. (Sorry, Gwyneth — I'm not letting bees sting my face.) But then, there are other "treatments" that we can actually get down with — and that also have the science to back them up. Case in point: Amber Rose claims masturbation is the key to her ridiculously glowy skin. We're listening, Muva. "I wish I had the time to masturbate every day in reality, but I don't," Rose said in an interview with Allure. "I say a lot of these things on [The Amber Rose Show] because I am very sex-positive." She isn't the only one who has reaped the benefits of a daily session. I myself attempted to orgasm every day for 30 days and saw wild improvements in my skin — not to mention my sex life. (Grueling work, I know.) And derms are on board with her claim, too. "It's really simple — sex decreases stress, which, in turn, reduces stress hormones in the body, which helps to lower inflammation," says dermatologist Elizabeth Tanzi, MD, founder and director of Capital Laser and Skin Care.
So if you're struggling to get luminous skin, maybe the secret to the best complexion of your life is waiting in the bedroom, not the bathroom, after all. Either way, at least you'll have fun trying. Want more beauty tips — and general life knowledge — from Amber Rose? Check out our interview with her below!

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