We haven't exactly been trying to hide how much we adore Allison Williams. We've expressed our admiration time and time and
again. Girl crush? That might be the understatement of the year. We're always excited to hear about new developments in Williams' career, as well the life of her on-screen alter ego, Marnie Michaels. (Season 3, are you here yet?!) From her sartorial choices to her beauty-endorsement deals, we want to know what's up.
We were surprised, though, to hear that Williams, who has described her fashion sense as "classic, comfortable, easy, simple, instinctive," would most love to raid the closet of Girls' eccentric and exotic Jessa Johansson. In a recent interview Williams said, "When Marnie is trying to wear cool clothes, our costume department will pull from Jessa's closet to make it look like Marnie stole something from Jessa to wear." We love Marnie's sleek, pulled-together look. Can we imagine Williams in flowy frocks, flower crowns, and kimonos? Not just yet. But, hey, we're open to the idea! (People)