So Jealous! The Selby Takes A Trip To The Coach Archives

Truth: We've always been jealous of the lucky people who get to spend all day handling and cataloging the priceless design treasures contained in the archives every major fashion house maintains. Sure, it's work, not play, for these archivists. But, as they spend every day surrounded by the very style treasures we covet, you can understand how we'd be a bit envious of their positions.
Just take a look a this day in the life of Coach archivist Jed Winokur, as captured in crisp, sparkling High Definition by esteemed interior-style photographer Todd Selby. From the gorgeous, immaculately curated apartment he shares with his beautiful wife (and beautiful cat), Winokur heads to his office — Coach's designer archive of over 20,000 luxury treasures. Full of famous prototypes, unexpected color combinations, and over 70 years of leather-lined history, the archive is hallowed ground for anyone who takes their accessories seriously (and a great place to spend the afternoon). While we may not be destined (or even qualified) for a career in style archivism, at least we can watch this beautiful vid and dream. (The Selby)

Video: Courtesy The Selby


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