Things are getting serious for engaged couple Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra. Earlier this week, the actress debuted what appeared to be a massive engagement ring on Instagram and, last night, sleuths detected Jonas and his parents, Denise and Kevin Jonas Sr., making their way through the Chhatrapati Shivaji International airport in Mumbai.
According to People, this is all the proof we need to know that the Jonas family and the Chopra family are preparing to officially become one; though, until the suspected couple confirms their status, we'll remain just a touch (like, the tiniest touch) skeptical.
In the photo, Jonas can be seen leading the pack, as his father smiles from ear to ear in the background holding what seems to be a bag from Tiffany's. (This is only relevant because Jonas reportedly shut down a Tiffany's in order to procure an engagement ring.)
According to People, Chopra is currently filming The Sky Is Pink in Mumbai for a few days, and, while she was there, wanted to host a formal meet and greet. Other outlets such as Times of India and The Indian Express are reporting similar stories and speculating that the pair may make a more formal engagement announcement over the weekend.
Up until this point, the couple have been relatively quiet about their relationship. During a recent Q&A, Chopra explained that she likes to keep some aspects of her life private.
"My entire life — my personal life — is not for public consumption," she said. "Ninety percent of my life is for public consumption, but 10 percent is for me. I'm a girl; I have the right to keep that to myself. My family, my friendships, and my relationships are things I don't think I need to defend or explain to anyone."