The show may have wrapped up a few months ago, but the drama from the cast of the 2022 season of Married At First Sight Australia just keeps coming. Domenica Calarco, who was known for speaking her mind on the reality TV show, is now the host of her own web series that delves into the lives of the MAFS stars after the TV experiment. If you're curious to know more, fret not, as we've got the lowdown on everything you need to know about Dom's Debrief: The MAFS Catch-ups.
What Is The Air Date?
Dom's Debrief: The MAFS Catch-ups is a digital series that premiered on Tuesday, October 18 on the official Married At First Sight website. Episode 1 features Calarco's co-star, Selina Chhaur, and it's only the first in a lineup of juicy episodes dropping weekly.
What Is Dom's Debrief About?
The series features candid short-form episodes where Calarco checks in with some of her co-stars from Season 9 of MAFS. She'll strive to find out how their lives have panned out since filming ended, whether they found long-lasting love, who's sliding into their Instagram DM's and what their next career move is.
"Australia knows I’m not afraid to ask the tough questions, and I’m excited to be calling up the past contestants and having a bit of an honest chat," Calarco says in an official press statement.
Which MAFS Stars Are On Dom's Debrief?
Season 9 contestants who will be interviewed by Calarco on the show include Brent Vitiello, Al Perkins, Ella Ding, Holly Greenstein, Selina Chhaur and Calarco's own MAFS ex-husband, Jack Millar.
Since news emerged of the series, some MAFS cast members who haven't necessarily seen eye-to-eye with Calarco in the past have shared their own thoughts about the project.
"Before anybody suspects that I had anything to do with the new MAFS thing that just dropped, I was not contacted for it, I had nothing to do with it," Olivia Frazer shared in an Instagram video.
"I know that that promo alludes to some sort of involvement from me. That is misleading and absolutely false… Don’t buy into their thirsty bullshit."
Co-star Carolina Santos didn't hold back in a comment she posted underneath Calarco's post about the show.
"Your number is blocked hon oops," she wrote. "Devo that I missed it. Chatting to you would be like a dream of mine."
Former Bachelor star Abbie Chatfield later entered the chat, commenting underneath Calarco's post: "The jealousy from ex contestants in these comments is so funny. Slay Dom."
Whether it's on or off Dom's Debrief, it looks like the drama just keeps on coming.
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