You could blame it all on the pheromones, but you'd be wrong. It seems that men are biologically predisposed to (read: hopeless for) more than the flush in a woman's cheek. Yeah, that's right: scientific tests show that men practically evolve into their primitive predecessors when seeing women outfitted in red (among other things, ahem)—quite a helpful lil' nugget of knowledge when you're not quite sure what to wear in the morning. And lucky for you, we've hunted down eight options that will keep you beating those Cro-Magnon men away with a stick.
Above, left to right:
When wearing little red leather skirts like this, it's best to emit an ill side-eye that lets everyone know that there is a strict "look, don't touch" policy in effect, ya' dig?
When wearing little red leather skirts like this, it's best to emit an ill side-eye that lets everyone know that there is a strict "look, don't touch" policy in effect, ya' dig?
Little red riding hood, my what big, er, buttons you have!

Above, clockwise from upper left:
Watch 'em flip their lids over this flip-over satchel by Urban Outfitters.
Like a four-tiered cake, you'll be lapped up in this little red number.
These boots were made for walking, and walking is just walking you're gonna do… all over an ex or two, that is.

Above, from left:
A cashmere knit dress, like this one, usually demands a snuggle or two... or three.
With pipecleaners this bright, this tight, you'll be cleaning up quite nicely with the fellas.
Everybody's gonna be checking for you in this easy frock.