You’re bound to show some skin this holiday season, right? Imagine wearing a party dress or taking off your winter coat without worrying about unwanted body hair. Well, we’ve teamed up with one of the best names in beauty, Tria Beauty, and are giving away one handheld, easy-to-use at-home Tria Hair Removal Laser every week, all month long!
Feel confident that you’re looking your best without enduring endless shaving and waxing. This little marvel zaps away hair using the same laser hair removal technology used by professionals, meaning you’ll get permanent, amazingly smooth results without straying further than your bathroom. The things they can do these days, right?
And, in addition to our weekly giveaway of these sleek, safe, sleeveless dress-loving devices, we’re going to hook up one lucky contest winner with our grand prize of $1,500 cash!
So, sign up now for your chance at freedom from endless shaving and waxing for the holiday season, or $1,500 to blow on beauty this holiday!