"The Bromheads Jackets album is amazing—they're brilliant, and the singer is a genius storyteller. They're kind of a modern Buzzcocks. The other band that's getting heavy rotation is the new Mahogany album. It's dreamy pop, so it's no surprise that Robin Guthrie produced it. Two of my favorite films right now are Daisies by Sedmikrasky, an amazing Czech new-wave film from the mid '60s and Camille 2000, a '60s soft-porn film styled in the same vein as Danger Diabolik or Barbarella. I just had foot surgery, so I've been fixating on shoes. I really want a pair of Clark's Desert Treks in Beeswax leather. They're really ugly, and before I found out their name, I'd refer to them as "the ugly Clark's shoes," but there's also a beauty to them, too. Having been laid up in bed from surgery, I've been on Ebay a lot. My latest passion are Helmut Newton prints. They're actually quite affordable. There have been several nice ones for under $200. In my kitchen is my Champagne sabre. My friends bought it for me for my birthday last year. Its a sword made for lopping off the neck of Champagne bottles. I'd forgotten about it until the holidays. It's terribly impressive and dramatic."
Oliver Helden is a design partner at Loden Dager menswear
"The Bromheads Jackets album is amazing—they're brilliant, and the singer is a genius storyteller. They're kind of a modern BuzzcocksTwo of my favorite films right now are Daisies by Sedmikrasky, an amazing Czech new-wave film from the mid '60s and Camille 2000, a '60s soft-porn film styled in the same vein as Danger Diabolik or Barbarella..."

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