The worst pedicab driver in NYC: Seydou Kone, who doesn't stop at green lights, blocks crosswalks, and rides on sidewalks. Taxi TV is looking real good right now. (Gothamist)
Walmart isn't unstoppable! Gawker's put together a list of ways to stop the retail behemoth from invading the Big Apple. (Gawker)
Kim Kardashian was spotted here with her new man, Kris Humphries, and surprise surprise, he's a professional basketball player (with a first initial of K!). We knew the whole Gabriel Aubry thing was just too good to be true. (Daily Mail)
Talk about a holiday promotion: Instead of dog-eared copies of Rolling Stone circa '98, customers can browse iPads at new Tribeca nail salon tenoverten. (DNAinfo)
Wow. J. Woww is an author. The Jersey Shore star has a book coming out entitled: The Rules According to JWoww , a sort of dating, self-help type tome. Again, wow. (Perez Hilton)