In terms of the origins of our footwear, most of us can only trace those new boots back to Barneys. Hence, it's refreshing that the newish footwear label, Coclico, is devoted to determining the make-up and impact of all the materials they use for their brilliant line of shoes. Sourcing fabrics and leathers that are biodegradable, recycled, renewable, and/or locally produced are high on designer Sandra Canseller's list of priorities (she hails from three generations of shoemakers, so let's say she got a head-start). Lucky for us, though, incredible designs are also topping Coclico's list of musts. Upon receipt of the spring/summer 2009 collection, we fell in love with not one but six pairs of shoes, the coral sandals and the cork wedge being among our faves. Check out our favorites here, and for more information on Coclico's collection and mission, go to their website, where you'll also find cool shoes by Mike and Chris and Chie Mihara.