Let La Dama Shop’s Trinkets Outfit Your Inner Nancy Drew

Growing up, we used to play this game that involved turning everything into a Nancy Drew adventure—walking to the bus-stop became a desperate search for a hidden signpost and doing our times tables became an attempt to crack a secret code. But now that we take the bus and eat our breakfast as adults, we feel silly pretending to be the titian-haired sleuth with the blue roadster. Though, with La Dama's gumshoe-appropriate jewelry, we can surreptitiously indulge in our fantasies without detection. La Dama claims that the Digby & Iona miniature spyglass pendant, a lock that turns into a compass, and a silver ring complete with moving trigger and chamber will help you "inconspicuously pursue quarry." To that, we say these trinkets would add a subtle touch of whimsy to any outfit—and that's no mystery!

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