Be still our girlish hearts. Even non-Timberlake devotees can appreciate that Justin's ambitious career steps outside the box (the box we put him in when he wore a denim tux and dated Britney). But hear this: his next possible on-screen role is for the Coen brothers, in a part that would let him go totally Bob Dylan on us. Set among the NYC folk scene of the '60s, the genius bros have allegedly reached out to the former N'SYNCer to take on the "lead role" as a folk singer named Jim. While Justin has not confirmed yet, we're thinking that the folksy vibe would totally suit the singer/actor/dreamboat, although that may mean ditching his falsetto for something a little more gritty. The project, entitled Inside Llewyn Davis, is set to start filming in NYC sometime early next year, which means we can potentially look forward to a sweet soundtrack, another twisted Coen-brother's classic, and hordes of Timberlake fans swamping the streets of Greenwich Village. Feel free to say hi if you see us. (Gothamist)
Photo: Via Gothamist