One of our fave funny men Conan O'Brien set aside the jokes, the self-deprecation, and the constant references to his beard for something a bit more heartwarming — a live gay marriage on late-night television. It's amazing to see that, on his larger New York stage, he dedicated some serious airtime to making the union between his costume designer, Scott Cronick, and longtime mate, David Gorshein, official. And although Bravo's Andy Cohen walked Scott down the aisle, the tears and sentiment exchanged at the altar prove that this marriage was far more real than the (addictive) Housewives nonsense Cohen usually involves himself with. First, we teared up when they said their vows, and then we danced when "Celebrate" came blasting on the speakers, with the requisite showering of confetti. Add Conan, Andy, and a live studio audience into the mix, and it looks like a pretty fun wedding! (Jezebel)