These Artists Are Using Art As Protest For Black Lives Matter

Photo: Jason Armond/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images.
In times of political revolution, protesting on the front lines might feel like the most visible way to bring about radical change, but it isn't the only path to freedom — there's a role for everyone in this fight.
Social movements need people behind-the-scenes to organize and educate, provide resources via funding, and offer emotional support for those weighed down by the burden of activism. And then there are the artists, who use their creativity to articulate the range of feelings at the very heart of the movement. From murals to digital doodles to weaved portraits, these individuals are channeling their energy on calling attention to the pressing crisis of white supremacy.
The current struggle against anti-Black racism is no different; we're seeing people from every corner of the globe put their skill sets to use, with artists picking up their tools to paint the complicate picture of what exactly it means to be Black in the United States. And if the work that follows stirs up feelings of discomfort, sorrow, hope, or even anger, that's good — that just means that it's working.
No matter what media is used, art is telling an important story. Read on to why art matters right now from the creators who are using their gifted hands to document this crucial chapter in history.
 To help bring attention to the police killing of George Floyd, you can sign the petition here, or donate to local organizations like Black Vision Collective or Reclaim the Block via the Minnesota Freedom Fund here.

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