What Bloomberg Says He’ll Do For Women If Elected

Photo: Logan Cyrus/AFP/Getty Images.
In a series of interviews with all of the major presidential candidates, Refinery29 and women's activism group Supermajority asked questions sent from women across the country. Because despite the fact that women are the majority of voters, subjects like reproductive rights and paid family leave have yet to see their limelight on the Democratic debate stage — and this is one way to change the conversation.
There are certainly a lot of questions swirling around former New York City Michael Bloomberg's record on women. In this interview with Supermajority cofounder Cecile Richards, she asked him what three things women could expect from him and hold him accountable for if he became president. His answers? Codify Roe v. Wade, equal pay legislation, and a government that is 50% women.
"Think about who you're voting for. It's easy to talk, it's hard to do things," he told Richards when asked to explain why he believes women should vote for him.
Watch the video to learn about Bloomberg's positions on abortion, childcare, and paid family leave (plus his guilty pleasure and favorite sandwich, in case that's something you wanted to know).

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