Millennials Killed Napkins, But They're Resuscitating Prenups
Millennials have killed a lot of things. (What can a napkin do that a paper towel can't? And canned tuna? Please. What's the point?) And yet, from these ashes a rebirth has sprung. Millennials — those of selfie, signature pink, and selling-out fame — are getting prenups.
A 2016 study conducted by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers found that 51% of polled attorneys saw an increase in prenuptial agreements among millennial couples in recent years — with contracts most commonly citing “protection of separate property,” “alimony/spousal maintenance,” and “division of property.” Considering this is a generation that's less concerned about "what's mine is yours" and more into the 50-cent Venmo request, it's hardly surprising. But it's also reflective of a larger generational trend — that of putting career advancement before settling down and therefore having more individual assets to bring into a marriage.
Prenups get a terrible rap in pop culture. They smack of gold diggers, designed to suck you dry "when she leave yo' ass." A paper contract with all the sexiness of a gynecologist's stirrups. A divorce plan before you're even married. But this reputation is sexist at worst and hardly accurate at best. Prenuptial agreements are arguably no more than a worst-case-scenario plan, which should be fair for both partners — no matter who comes into the marriage with more assets — in part because they necessitate important financial conversations and set you up for more open discussions in the future. And what could be more romantic than that?
Ahead, we talked to five millennial women about why they got a prenup, who initiated the conversation, and how they feel about it today.