Billy Bush Is Back & Twitter Is Having None Of It

Photo: Unique Nicole/FilmMagic.
It's official: Billy Bush is here for his apology tour. Sadly, no one is buying tickets to this regretful extravaganza — at least according to Twitter.
"Looking back upon what was said on that bus, I wish I had changed the topic. [Trump] liked TV and competition. I could've said, 'Can you believe the ratings on whatever?' But I didn't have the strength of character to do it," Bush said in an exclusive sit-down with The Hollywood Reporter. The extensive interview finds Bush confessing that he felt "gutted" after the infamous tape found its way to the public, and that he attended a 13-day self-help retreat called "The Hoffman Process" in Napa, California after his departure from The Today Show in October.
Bush experienced a maelstrom of bad publicity after it was revealed he tacitly condoned President Donald Trump's sexually aggressive comments in a 2005 recording. However, by now the American public has bigger fish to fry — specifically, the one who somehow found himself elected to the country's highest office after bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. Twitter has little sympathy for Bush, who seems rather far removed from the urgency of today's headlines.
"Why does Billy Bush need another chance?" one Twitter user asked. "There are probably several thousand YouTubers who could do his job. White males, even!"
Another pointed out, "The only reason the world ever needs to hear from Billy Bush again is if he agrees to go undercover and wear another wire in front of Trump."
Some had harsher words for Bush: "Just in: Billy Bush breaks his silence to confirm what we already knew, that he's a douchebag of the highest order."
And, in the most direct reaction yet, one Twitter user said plainly, "NOBODY gives a damn about ANYTHING you have to say!"
Granted, people do sort of care about what Billy Bush has to say — Twitter is ablaze with folks discussing the interview. As some have pointed out, Bush was the sole person on the Access Hollywood tape to experience repercussions. The other, as you may have noticed, became president. That Bush is back and brimming with remorse is a painful reminder that all publicity is good publicity. Heck, Billy Bush received a multimillion-dollar severance deal and then traveled to Japan with his daughter! Now, he seems to be a star of social media as he stages his comeback tour.
If the Access Hollywood tape hadn't made the rounds, would we still be paying attention to Billy Bush? And, more importantly, would we have Donald Trump as president?
Sigh. I'll borrow words from the regretful host: "I'm out of the coulda-shoulda-woulda game."
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