Carrie Fisher's bulldog, Gary Fisher, lives on after the tragic passing of his owner and her mother, Debbie Reynolds. Fisher's daughter, Billie Lourd, appears to be caring for the dog now, and she shared a sweet video of the two of them celebrating Gary's birthday yesterday.
Gary is just five in human years, but in dog years, he's already middle-aged. (Maybe that's why he's so wise on Twitter?) "Happy 5th / 35th birthday to my #brotherfromanothermother #sunsouttonguesout," Lourd captioned the Instagram post.
It seems like Lourd used a Snapchat filter to add dog ears and a nose to her own image, and she chose to celebrate by playing a-ha's "Take On Me" in the background of the clip. What's most impressive, though, is how she made the dog move its tongue on command. Lourd playfully sticks her own tongue out — and then Gary follows suit. It's too adorable not to watch.
Lourd shared the image on her Instagram account, but Gary Fisher's own (verified!) Instagram account also shared a photo for his birthday. Gary's Instagram account posted a shot of the dog relaxing in a leather chair, complete with a crown sticker and an "It's My Birthday" banner. Captioned "Happy 5th b day to me ?? #garyfisher #garyloveshismom #garymisseshismom #itsmybirthday," it earned more than 22,000 likes.
As People explains, Gary Fisher was a service dog, and he was there for Carrie Fisher through the end. Fisher brought the dog around the world with her — Gary was frequently photographed with Fisher on red carpets and at film premieres.
"Gary is like my heart," Fisher once told People. "Gary is very devoted to me, and that calms me down. He's anxious when he's away from me."
We're sure Gary and Lourd both miss their mom — but it looks like they're helping each other cope with their loss.