5 Signs Running Is Not For You

For a lot of people, running is a fun alternative to the gym. You get to enjoy the view, blast your favorite music, and maybe even acquire running buddies. But that doesn't mean it's for everyone, and trying to force yourself to do something unenjoyable or physically uncomfortable is never a good idea.
According to Christine Kuczek, certified personal trainer and partner at Spindle Fitness, you should engage in some form of cardio regularly to get your heart pumping. But there are a million ways to do that.
If you're not into running, then strength training, jump-roping, bodyweight exercises like squats and pushups, rowing machines, and pretty much any cardio machine at the gym should provide similar benefits. Even putting on some music and dancing can give you a great cardio workout. So don't buy into the mindset that the more unpleasant an activity is, the better it is for you.
Here are some signs running isn't for you and what to do if you notice them.

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