Twitter exploded multiple times during Wednesday night's debate. There was the "No, you're a puppet" exchange, the reclaiming of the intended insult "Nasty Woman," and then, of course, Trump's "bad hombres" remark, which reinforced his hateful rhetoric toward minorities generally and Latinos specifically.
Twitter took the "hombres" gaffe in two ways. One was, unsurprisingly, outrage. The second was to have some fun. Case in point: capitalizing on Trump's mispronunciation of hombres as ombrés. Everyone quickly agreed that there were plenty of bad ombrés in America, indeed. And the tweets came pouring in.
sorry but the only bad ombré i see is on that stage, mr. trump #DebateNight
— the tali lama (@notoriousTBL) October 20, 2016
We are very seriously trouble with all the #BadOmbres says #Trump during the #Debate. #ImWithHer
— Kristina Casey (@KristinaCasey) October 20, 2016
Nothing like a bad ombre
— Miriam Elder (@MiriamElder) October 20, 2016
some bad ombres#debatenight
— Julia BOOsh ? (@jabush) October 20, 2016
ya i agree bad ombres need to go #debatenight
— carolyn z ✨ (@carolynz) October 20, 2016
TRUMP: We have some bad ombre's
— JoshuaJamesNoel (@SimplyJosh) October 20, 2016
Hillary, Shaq, shimmy us out.