How To Cope With NYFW If You Like To Complain About NYFW

Photographed by Nina Westervelt.
Today is the first day of New York Fashion Week, the bi-annual, seven-day-long overload on clothes, parties, and beautiful people. And we love it. It's our Olympics, in a sense, and now more than ever, designers are coming up with ways to let the rest of the world in on the week that was once too exclusive for its own good.
But with every seasonal event (like, say the VMAs or the Superbowl) comes a slew of trolls who just can't find anything nice to say. This guide is for you. Ahead, you'll find a set of friendly suggestions on how to avoid the NYFW chaos altogether, and still manage to get your passive-aggressive posts about it out in the open. This will help you prepare for — and cope with — the days ahead.

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