Celebrities Are Just As Confused About “The Dress” As You Are

By now, you're probably well aware of what the Internet has dubbed "The Dress." If not, congratulations. You saved yourself a night of friendly fights and near-existential crises. What started as an innocent Tumblr post asking those interested what color a dress is turned into an Internet phenomenon. It came closer to breaking the Internet than Kim Kardashian's bare behind.  People saw either black and blue or white and gold. Science tried to explain it, the model who wore the dress tried to settle the debate, but the eyes — like the heart — want what they want. As the Internet tried to settle the discussion, celebrities hopped on the bandwagon. Mindy Kaling shared her (black and blue) views on Twitter and Jaden Smith, Twitter prophet, saw the dress as black and blue as well. Meanwhile, Katy Perry slept through the whole debacle.  Ahead, the best of the celebrity reactions to #TheDress. More Entertainment Coverage This Way:
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