You're headed out to Berghain at 8 a.m., don't speak German, and need to get in to see your favorite DJ. What do you wear?
"I played a show there a few years ago! It is CRAZY in there. If I was going all night and day I'd want to be comfortable, so I'd probably wear leather trousers, a cool T-shirt, and either some chunky black boots that were easy to dance in or sneakers. I have a really cool pair that are black high-tops with gold toes. PLUS some sunglasses for when they open the shutters. It literally feels like it’s the middle of the night, and then they suddenly let the daylight in and everyone’s like, 'AHH!'"
The perfect style of sleeves to battle Neil Peart in a drum-off:
"No sleeves! I like to be as free as possible when I'm drumming, so either no sleeves or short sleeves."
You're going to a dance party and are actually planning on dancing your face off. What shoes do you wear?
"I do love to dance my face off, although I'm not really a dancer. I like to make up my own moves à la David Brent from The Office. I would always wear something that I don't have to take off after an hour because my feet are bleeding; I feel like I've done that, so now I prefer to wear flats. I like having a bit of extra height, so would wear chunky-heeled biker boots or platform sneakers."
Your tried-and-true music festival outfit, when you're planning on crowdsurfing to the front.
"Hm, a skirt or dress wouldn't be very practical for crowdsurfing, especially not if it’s being broadcast on TV. Haha — practical crowdsurfing! So, I would probably go for a playsuit and a leather jacket and wellies. I like bright-colored wellies — yellow, or silver, or sparkly."
What is the ultimate vintage concert tee in your dresser drawer?
"A Spice Girls T-shirt that my dad bought for himself when we went to see them in 1998! It has them all on the front and it's all faded and three sizes too big, but I love it! He lets me borrow it if I ask nicely..."