J.K. Rowling’s Adorable Patronus Is The Only One You Need

jkrowling-pine-martenPhotos: REX USA/Paul Grover/Rex; Via Wikipedia.
J.K. Rowling continues to nail it on Twitter. Earlier this week, she shut down a homophobic remark. Now, she's delighting Harry Potter fans everywhere with the revelation of her Patronus.
The pine marten is seriously the spirit animal we all need. Do you see the one up there? It is the cutest. But — and this is key — its adorableness doesn't undercut the fact that it would defend you if necessary. You know, if you summoned it from your wand with an "Expecto Patronum" during a battle with He Who Must Not Be Named.
The pine marten is not to be confused with Chris Martin, the lead singer of Coldplay and Jennifer Lawrence romancer. Both can be found in England, although the pine marten is more elusive.
Rowling's Patronus is in good company: A pine marten also plays an important role in Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. Lyra has a dæmon who takes a pine marten as his form.
As of press time, it remains unclear if you can summon Chris Martin with a Patronus charm. (BuzzFeed)

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