Every long weekend comes with an equally long packing checklist. Now that summer's almost here, that list probably includes a few things you haven't seen in a while. Be honest: When's the last time you dealt with a full-body sunscreen supply, a bathing suit, and sunglasses? In fact, you may not be sure you even own some of those things right now. Thankfully, Warby Parker has got you covered. (Or, at least they've got your eyes covered.) This week, New Yorkers can place an order for non-prescription sunglasses and have them hand-delivered on Friday.
That's right: Anyone in the five boroughs can simply place an order online between 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 22 and 9:30 a.m. on Friday, May 23. Enter the code WARBYEXPRESS at checkout, and you'll get your sunnies delivered to you by 12:30 p.m. Friday, just in time for your long weekend. Once you're living it up through Memorial Day and beyond, stylish shades in tow, you can share pictures on Instagram using the hashtag #warbysummer. Now, check that off your packing list — and go find a bathing suit.